An average dose of 50 to 100 micrograms of LSD, or "acid", produce slight dizziness, weakness, dilation of the pupils, and particularly such perceptual alterations as intense visual experience, distorted time sense, sharpened hearing, and synesthesia - the bleeding of two senses so that the person, for example, "hears" color or "sees" sounds. Psychological symptoms include the flooding of conciousnes with numerous thoughts in new combinations, rapid changes in mood, and a feeling that one's body is distorted. These effects usually occurs in sequence. Physical changes come first, then the perceptual alterations, and finnaly the psychic changes. There is considerable overlap, however, among the three phases.
Potential Risk of LSD
"Bad Trips" Severe panic reactions ("bummers" or "bad trips") and other adverse effects sometimes occur with LSD. Users report having hundreeds of pleasurable good trips, then for no apparent reason having a "bummer", complete with monstrous perceptions and delusions of being trapped forever in the drugged state. Such "bummers" are common with high doses and impure drugs. They sometimes occur accidentally because the purity of black market LSD varies widely and because it takes much skill to measure the extremely small amounts needed for an acid trip.